Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Label a fish or anything else.

If you don't have google accounts for all of your students, its time to talk to your administration and get them.  Google Docs can take your classroom to the next level allowing students to collaborate and allowing you to see what progress students make though out the day. The best part is that it is free and easy to use.

Using google docs is incredibly simple and takes very little set up time for cool little assignments.  Here's one I did today. Using google Docs I created a drawing and then copied a picture to the drawing. I shared the document with each student. The students then labeled the parts of a fish using simple text boxes and lines. Google docs work best once you have trained your students to use them.  You can share the image with the whole class but not give sharing privileges.  The students can then make a copy and share it with you and whoever you allow them to collaborate with.  I really think google docs style collaboration is how the world will work in the very near future.  Here's what the fish looked like in less than 10 minutes, I gave them a grade for the work and they can use the image to study from and add to.  Seems like a great idea for geography or anything with parts for students learn.